2022 art review

Join me as I look back over the year and plan for 2023 …

This year really feels like it has flown by. Before I reflect on 2022 and think about the year ahead, I would really like to say first and foremost, a huge thank you. Your ongoing support means the world, whether it’s by following me on social media, purchasing my artwork for presents or to have in your own home, commissioning me to draw your gorgeous animal family members, reading my blog posts and signing up to receive my newsletters, I really appreciate it all.

Your purchases have also helped to support vital conservation work this year as I have donated 10% of sales to the fabulous People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES), whom I will be continuing to partner in 2023.


In the main, 2022 has been a year to concentrate on my wildlife drawings. I’ve completed thirteen drawings this year, starting with peregrine and finishing with the gorgeous hazel dormouse. In between were the charming wren, beguiling otter and feisty Scottish wildcat.

I also completed the first drawing in my ecology series with my Green City drawing.

British Wildlife Gift Range

In July, I launched my British Wildlife Gift Range. Each of the products in the range feature my wildlife drawings and have been carefully designed and selected.

The range comprises soft furnishings, tote bags and a variety of drinks receptacles, including enamel camping mugs, which I just love.

The gift range is exclusive to my online shop.

Blog posts

I’ve enjoyed writing a number of blog posts this year covering updates of projects and artwork I’ve been working on throughout the year, answering some of your questions in my Q&A posts and looking in more detail at graphite as a medium.

It’s been lovely to receive your feedback on these posts too. So thank you for taking the time to read them.


I’ve also kept up my monthly newsletter, which is such a beautiful way for me to keep in touch with people on a more personal level through updates and insights about my artwork in real time that don’t always find a place on my social media pages; in addition, it’s been great to offer exclusive discounts and giveaways to thank those on my mailing list for their interest and support.

The year ahead

Looking forward to 2023, I am really excited about how my creative work will progress. I’m always amazed at how much things can change and evolve over the course of a year, usually in terms of the direction and approach to my artwork.

This year has seen more of a change behind the scenes for me and has been a time for reflection and planning. I have an ongoing creative project that I am working on in the background, in addition to focusing more on my wildlife drawings – to that end, much as I love the privilege and process of drawing commissions, I have taken the decision to place a hold on accepting any commissions for the foreseeable future, to enable me to have more time to create and try out new things. The plan is to feel a little less constrained by my own self-imposed pressures going into the next year and see how things unfold. It’s an exciting time!

Before I close out this post, I’d like to thank you again for your support and the beautiful comments that you take the time to write; I look forward to sharing the year ahead with you. Best wishes for 2023 and I’ll see you on the next post!


Mini-series: nature and me


What is the point of a sketchbook?